Thursday, December 15, 2005


I'm surrounded by hype for King Kong at the moment - it's on every breakfast cereal packet, every fast food advert, every lifestyle tv show. It set me wondering whether or not I actually approve of re-makes, especially of such wonderful classics as this. After all, there's not much creativity or original thought involved in the process - and yet it's the new director, cast and crew who get all the fame and fortune. To put it in writing terms, I might just as well re-type War & Peace in a jazzy font, stick a snazzy cover on the front, add one or two steamy sex scenes (my 'artistic interpretation of the dynamics between the characters') and republish it under my pen name. Which would hardly be very honest of me... but if I could get as much publicity and money as Peter Jackson is for a similar stunt with King Kong, perhaps I'm doing the wrong thing. :)

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