Thursday, February 17, 2011

Perfect Alibi crime writing contest

If anyone saw this advertised on the Alibi channel last night but can't track it down, don't worry - you're not alone. The url they quoted ( was wrong and only leads to a rather alarming '403 Forbidden' message, which made me wonder whether they wanted to advertise the contest at all.

However, it really does sound good. The channel and their associates HarperCollins are seeking the crime-writers of the future; the prizes include tickets to a crime writing festival in Harrogate; and the overall winner gets a holiday in Sweden, a Kindle and a library of books. And I guess there's always the possibility that if you are placed, you'll be accelerated to the top of the HarperCollins slush pile. ;)

So, if you want to enter and can't find out where, don't despair. Muggins here trawled the Alibi website earlier and can reveal that the real page for the contest, complete with instructions, terms and conditions, and closing date, is here.

Happy scribbling and good luck.

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