Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hop against homophobia

I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't know today is International Day Against Homophobia. Luckily not everyone is as 'un-switched on' as me, and a large group of authors have come together to support the day with a 'Hop against homophobia'.

You can find a list of participating authors here; each has posted a message on their blog so feel free to trawl the list, pick out your favourites and leave a comment in support.

If I'd known about this sooner I'd have been taking part myself, so the least I can do is give the event some added publicity - and watch the calendar more closely next year.


Liz/moth said...

Thanks for that! It's good to see how many people were aware and supported the day. Like you, I tend to find out about these things too late!

Fiona Glass said...

You're welcome - if I'd known sooner I'd have done more!