The excitement is building as the release date on Necessity's Door creeps ever closer (28th May, in case you'd forgotten).
We've finalised the edits. We've gone through a massive proof-reading excercise and I've accepted the final proof. And today, the publishers have released a nice long juicy excerpt of the story, which is available to read on their website.
So, if you'd like to read a bit and see whether the story, and my writing style, are your sort of thing, just pop over to the Riptide website. Scroll down the page and click on the small black tab marked 'excerpt', in the box at the bottom next to 'warnings' and 'additional details'.
Happy reading - and you'll see from the quote at the top of the excerpt where my title came from!
No need to read. No, I don't mean I don't WANT to read the blurb; I mean I've pre-ordered and so I'm going to leave it to be one big surprise. Actually, I may just keep this to take as some holiday reading in June. ;)
Cool! Thank you! Hope it doesn't totally ruin the holiday. ;)
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